Google launched Angular JS to make the process of front end development more manageable and simpler. With this, many Angular JS development companies in the UK heaved a sigh of relief.

During earlier 2000s, unresponsive websites and broken links were not less than a nightmare for the people. But slowly and gradually, the technology world evolved and we stepped into the era of interactive, creative and responsive websites. For web developers, the year 2010 was not less than a blessing as this was the time when Google launched Angular JS to make the process of front end development more manageable and simpler. With this, many Angular JS development companies in the UK heaved a sigh of relief. Now before going into the details, let’s check out the gradual evolution of Angular JS.


  • The very first version is usually referred to as AngularJS or Angular.js
  • An open source, front end, Java Script based web application framework
  • Was initially released during October 2010
  • Was initially written in JavaScript
  • Launched by Google and maintained by a group of individuals to address the challenges during the development
  • Aims to ease both the developmental and testing phase of different applications by offering a simple framework for MVC and MVVM architectures


  • A completely new rewrite of AngularJS by the same team
  • Was written completely in TypeScript
  • Angular 1.X wasn’t mobile friendly, but Angular 2 was mobile friendly
  • Was released during September 2016
  • Known in the market as ‘Angular 2+’
  • Offered various selection of languages including ES5, TypeScript, Dart or ES6 to write the code of Angular 2


  • This version was skipped from the market as the development team wanted the latest Angular version to be in sync with Angular router version
  • The key reason behind this was the dissimilarity between libraries of @angular/core, @angular/compiler and @angular/router
  • The @angular/router which was already present in its 3.X version had some major problems due to huge and active developments in the router department, something like route-preload
  • Now the launch of Angular with its version 3 while route on version 4 would have created a huge confusion
  • To avoid this mayhem, the third version of Angular was skipped and Angular 4.0.0 was released


  • The newer version, Angular 4 was released during March 2017
  • For most of the applications, this version is backward compatible with Angular 2
  • There wasn’t any major changes in Angular 4 when compared to Angular 2 and it isn’t even a complete rewrite
  • The improved version decreased the size of the component codes generated, resulted in faster compilation and augmented bug fixes alert
  • The version also introduced HttpClient, a more enhanced library to make different HTTP request and was easier to use as compared to the previous versions
  • This version supported TypeScript 2.1 as the earlier versions only supported TypeScript 1.8
  • Animations can be easily added by importing {BrowserAnimationModule} from @angular/platform-browser/animations into NgModule
  • No requirement to write a different pattern for email validation


  • Was released in November 2017
  • Major focus was on making Angular faster to utilize and smaller in size
  • Before 4.3 version, @angular/http was utilized for HTTP requests. Now the team included @angular/common/http library for the functionality
  • Multiple names can be given to the directives and components during exporting to help users easily migrate without breaking any changes
  • Shipped with a new date, new number and currency pipes that augmented standardization within browsers and removed the requirement for i18npolyfills


  • The version was released with Material 6 and Angular CLI6
  • Was released in May 2018
  • Has updated Command Line Interface and updated Angular CLI to make progressive web apps
  • Updated Angular Material and Component Development Kit
  • Allows numerous validators on a form builder
  • Features RxJS for various functions to create advanced observables


  • Angular JS development companies in the UK received Angular 7 in October 2018
  • Angular CLI updated to a newer version v7.0.2 with amazing features including inbuilt SCSS support
  • Introduction of minor updated on visuals and augmented Material Design
  • Included dynamic loading and loading of various DOM parts, huge data lists, virtual scrolling as improvements
  • @angular/cdk.drag-drop for easy drag-drop interface


  • Was released in the year 2019, May
  • Features Ivy compiler as opt-in feature
  • Most critical and much awaited functionalities included dynamic imports of lazy routes, supported TypeScript 3.4, differential loading of JavaScript and opt-in preview of Angular Ivy


  • Was the latest release and the year was Oct/Nov 2019
  • Major update in the Angular with better Ivy compiler, faster tester, enhanced debugging, etc
  • Ivy became the default runtime and compiler improving the bundle size leading to better type checking, efficient debugging, thus improving style binding and improving the CSS class

With all these functionalities, development in Angular JS calls for an expert team that understands inside out of all these versions. And Techrish is one of the best Angular JS development companies in the UK where you would find such team. Want to know more about the technicalities behind Angular JS? Then, stay tuned with us.


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