Top 5 Latest Trends In Php Web Development

Scripting can be said to be the root of all the web development services, either it be PHP, CFML, JavaScript or some other scripting languages. PHP being an open source language, the most efficient and low in expenses is the most widely used scripting language for web development.

Here are the top 5 latest trends which are being followed by developers to make the front end pages more attractive and user friendly

Responsive Web Design

In today’s world oh technology the common man is mostly relying for accessing the web services like Facebook ,twitter, e-mails and even for purchasing something on mobile and tablets . So to provide user satisfaction and gain profit, these service providers must ensure more interactive platforms available on mobiles and tablets and always keep such services synchronized with the latest updates in the mobile industry. Such web services will provide access to their services seamlessly and will appear uniformly on all such devices.


Flash, not a newcomer but will continue to make up the 3D interaction on websites look eye catching, either it be banners- ads ,Facebook modules or games, Flash is the best tool available for a QOS providers. Although it seems like HTML 5 will take over the online games, but as far as desktops are concerned, it seems a long road unless internet explorers add WebGL to it. FLASH although having a backdrop of leading the particular website loading slower, will still survive in market of web development.

Online Presentation

Online websites focusing on the presentation work has led them to captivate the user as soon as he enters the site. Websites look more professional and engaging, particularly those website with large image background and different typography. Also using info graphics will provide the facts needed in no time, saving the extra surfing time.

Special Effects

Special effects were previously confined to movies and games. But soon users will experience such effects on their web sites. One such experience will b provided by Parallax scrolling, it will be introduced in upcoming sites to provide a more animated look. It’s a methodology in which images and banners are placed in a way and scrolled down slowly to give a 3D experience.

Fixed Header Bar

By gluing the header bar to the top, your websites will provide access to services needed to be accessed in very less time , as there will be no need to scroll up again to access a service. It also helps brand promotion as sticking your brand name onto the header will attract user attention, as the more they will see, the more they will remember in future.

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