Top 5 Best Technologies to Build Microservices Architecture

Over the years, web systems have become increasingly complex as the internet and businesses have evolved. Web services have faced issues with flexibility and maintenance as they have grown larger. As a result, engineers have had to develop more flexible, effective architectures.

Today, microservices are one of the best web development patterns, since they allow you to avoid most of the downsides of monolithic web development.

Let’s take a look at Microservices Architecture,

What is Microservices Architecture?

Microservices are an architectural style that develops a single application as a set of small services. Each service runs in its own process. The services communicate with clients, and often each other, using lightweight protocols, often over messaging or HTTP.

Benefits of Microservice Architecture

Microservices are independently deployable and allow for more team autonomy

  • Each microservice can be deployed independently, as needed, enabling continuous improvement and faster app updates.
  • Specific microservices can be assigned to specific development teams, which allows them to focus solely on one service or feature. This means teams can work autonomously without worrying about what’s going on with the rest of the app.

Microservices are independently scalable.

  • As demand for an app increases, it’s easier to scale using microservices. You can increase resources to the most needed microservices rather than scaling an entire app. This also means scaling is faster and often more cost-efficient as well.

Microservices reduce downtime through fault isolation.

  • If a specific microservice fails, you can isolate that failure to that single service and prevent cascading failures that would cause the app to crash. This fault isolation means that your critical application can stay up and running even when one of its modules fails.

The smaller codebase enables teams to more easily understand the code, making it simpler to maintain.

  • Microservice typically has small codebases, making them easier to maintain and deploy. It’s also much easier to keep the code clean and for teams to be wholly responsible for specific services.


Why choose Microservices?

In any Microservice, an application is arranged as a set of loosely coupled services. Microservices have independent developer components that make maintenance easier. Microservices offer certain benefits that are motivating organizations to migrate from monolithic architectures to Microservices.

Here are some of the advantages listed below-

Simple Modular Structure:

The microservice architecture consists of several smaller components that enable developers to easily understand, develop, and test the application.


Microservices can be cloned and sharded independently because they are deployed independently.


Microservices are robust, which means, in the time of memory leak and failure in a single module, the whole application will not be affected and it will still keep running.


Because microservices are isolated, the entire system is not affected by attacks on one microservice.

Technologies we used to implement Microservice architecture

Here are the top technologies used to implement Microservices architecture

  • Docker and Kubernetes
  • REST
  • Prometheus
  • Redis
  • Consul

Docker and Kubernetes

Using Docker, you can develop, test, and run software systems as self-contained packages inside a container. And Kubernetes is a system made for automating the manual tasks engaged in deploying and handling containerized applications. It helps with container scheduling, scaling, and so forth.


REST (Representational State Transfer) is a tool that helps microservices to communicate with other microservices.

This architectural design pattern enables microservices to communicate through HTTP directly. It deals with responses and requests in standard formats, such as JSON, HTML, or XML.


For monitoring microservices, Prometheus is a popular open-source tool. It helps us keep track of system metrics over a given time period and can be used to determine the health of a software system. Metrics include memory usage and CPU consumption.


Redis Streams is an immutable time-ordered log data structure that allows a producer to publish asynchronous messages to multiple subscribed consumers.


Microservices can communicate with each other using Consul technology. The technology stands out from the rest because of its exclusive features. Because of the Consul Template and DNS interface, you can use Consul with other technologies also.

Using Consul to set up microservices architecture is helpful for the synchronous system. After all, its infrastructure fulfills all the basic challenges of synchronous microservices.

Wrapping it up

In this blog, we have covered the top 5 technologies we used to implement Microservice architecture. Using this type of architecture, you can develop modules based on the tasks your organization needs to accomplish in order to provide service to customers or assist employees.

For microservices and a reliable technology partner, contact us today. Our highly qualified team is experienced in developing custom software to match your business needs.


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