• Improves employee self-service 
  • Manages employees efficiently  
  • Monitors KPIs 
  • Eliminates human error

Human Resource Management (HRM) Systems are an indispensable part of any organization, and aid businesses in handling their HR processes efficiently. These processes include all processes related to employees, such as hiring, training, development, compensation, motivation, communication, and administration. These processes fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work.
Their role is to ensure satisfaction of employees and maximize the productivity of an organization by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees.

Human Resource Management functions can be classified in the following three categories:

  • Managerial Functions
  • Operative Functions
  • Advisory Functions

The Managerial Functions of Human Resource Management are as follows:

  • Human Resource Planning: Human resource planning is the method of systematic planning to make optimal use of the most important asset in a company, quality employees. It may also include organizing, directing and controlling the employee, their behavior and performance.

The Operative Functions of Human Resource Management are as follows:

1. Recruitment and Selection
2. Job Analysis and Design
3. Performance Appraisal
4. Training and Development
5. Wage and Salary Administration
6. Employee Welfare
7. Maintenance
8. Labor Relations
9. Personnel Research
10. Personnel Record

The Advisory Functions of Human Resource Management are as follows:

Human Resource Management is expert in managing human resources and can give advice on matters related to human resources of the organization. This can help in gaining perspective from a different viewpoint, and can help in solving some of the management/ administration problems. Human Resource Management can offer advice to Top Management and the departmental heads.

We have established that Human resource management (HRM) systems are a vital component of any business that has employees. Thus, Techrish enables businesses to handle their HR processes efficiently via intuitive and user-friendly HRM systems.

In brief, HRM solutions from Techrish enable businesses to reduce overheads and the headaches associated with payroll, performance tracking, and other aspects of employee management, including satisfaction, facilities, productivity, training, etc. properly organized, user-friendly, intuitive system, which increases efficiency and productivity multifold. This allows businesses to focus on other areas of operations that will have a high impact on productivity.