Low Code Development Tooling

Low Code Development Tools give business users and developers a fast track to mobile app success.

What is Low Code?

Low code is a way to develop software applications fast with minimal coding. You don’t code the application line-by-line instead draw it.

Low Code Development Platform

Low Code Development Platform is a visual integrated development environment that allows to drag and drop applications components to develop Mobile Apps. Anyone who is unaware of coding can develop an application using this approach.

Key Features of quality Low code development tools:

  • Easy Deployment
  • Scalability and Security

Why Low Code Development Platform?

We use Low Code Development Platforms for the rapid development of mobile or web apps.

Following are the reasons for choosing Low code development platforms:

  • Speed: Drag and Drop functionality allow you to build apps faster
  • Multi-Channel Capabilities
  • Manage it easily
  • Improve productivity
  • Integration with everything

Two most commonly used Low Code Development Tools are listed below,


Outsystems is a low-code platform for the development of web and mobile apps.

Features included :

  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Drag-and-Drop
  • Access source code
  • Deploy anywhere

There is a free version, but if you need more features, you can use the paid version.


Kissflow focus on app development for all business users, not just programmers. It’s a powerful form builder and WYSIWYG editor. It supports human resources (HR) process management including employee onboarding, Timesheet management, vacation request approvals, and invoice approval workflow.



This tool allows users to track task performance and generate reports using the features included. User can purchase it either annually Or monthly.

You can use any of the above based on the requirements of your app.

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