In this article, we are discussing the pros and cons of Laravel and Codeigniter to choose the best platform for your website. It has become essential to use a PHP MVC framework for developing custom solutions with PHP programming language.
There are various sorts of PHP MVC frameworks available on the web and among those excesses of choices, the two acclaimed PHP frameworks are Laravel and CodeIgniter.
What is Codeigniter?
Codeigniter is an open-source Php framework for developers to create simple and elegant web applications.
Why do we use?
- The entire framework is clear and well structured
- Better stability and support
- Lightweight
- Strong Documentation
What is Laravel?
Laravel is extensively used open-source PHP framework. The platform was designed with the intention of development of the web applications by using the MVC architectural pattern.
Why do we use?
- The functional core can be extended
- The framework can generate various new tools with the help of a LOC container
- It also supports the Eloquent ORM, an advanced ActiveRecord Implementation for working on DB
- The framework has an auto-loading feature, so you don’t do manual maintenance and inclusion paths
Features Included:
Difference between Laraval and Codeigniter
- Database Model
Codeigniter: Relational Object-Oriented
Laraval: Object-Oriented
- Programming Paradigm
Codeigniter: Component Oriented
Laraval: Laraval is Object-Oriented Event-Driven Functional
- Routing
Codeigniter: Support both Explicit and Implicit Routing
Laraval: Explicit Routing
- Built-in Modules
Codeigniter: Doesn’t support build-in modularity
Laraval: Allows programmers to divide the project into small modules through the bundle
Both Laravel and CodeIgniter are open source PHP framework. Every framework is additionally upheld by an enormous network.
In any case, many web engineers have expressed that individuals from the Laravel people group are more dynamic than individuals from CodeIgniter people group.
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