Chrome 76  Disables Flash by default

Chrome 76 in the most recent week that disables flash by default. Users won’t probably run flash without going to Setting. They can re-empower flash at Setting > Advanced > Privacy and security > Site Settings > Flash > Ask First (Done by flipping the switch on), Chrome users can again run the flash but they can only use Flash in click-to-play mode.

chrome 76

Other Main Features are :

  • Websites Can’t detect Incognito Mode

Chrome 76 additionally shut a proviso that a few sites were abusing to close down clients attempting to slip past article count meters. Sites could detect the incognito mode using the FileSystem API request, which is disabled in incognito mode.

  • Automatic dark mode

Starting with chrome 76, sites can distinguish whether you have picked dark mode or not. If you have enabled dark mode, the site will automatically empower the dark theme for you. Its an incredible bit of leeway for the engineers.

  • Progressive Web Apps are now easier to install on the desktop

What do you think? Happy to see these progressions with Chrome 76? Let me know the comments or lift queries and discussions over to our Twitter or Facebook.