11 Best Practices for a Successful Ecommerce Website in 2022

There are several ecommerce best practices that will delight your customers and convince people who are hesitant to buy from you. Here are some ecommerce website best practices to adopt.

  1. Avoid clutter

Ecommerce websites with a simple design have great conversion rates. Check out your webpage now. What does a visitor see first? There has to be a clear focus. The visitor’s eyes should be drawn directly to a call-to-action button or products you sell. But too much clutter makes it hard to identify your CTA.


  1. Simplify your menus


Menus are the best way to stay organized in what you’re selling. But as just mentioned, you don’t want to do impenetrable things. Too many menu categories will distract the consumer, preventing them from finding what they’re searching for.


Your menu shouldn’t be highly specific. Instead, use broad terms to differentiate your products.


  1. Buy a premium web hosting service


Speed is one of the essential elements of a successful eCommerce website. Each page needs to load fast to yield top conversions.

But if you bought a budget web hosting plan, it’ll cost you in the high run.


Research shows a one-second delay in page loading time creates a 16% decrease in customer satisfaction and a 7% loss in conversions. If your site has a two or three-second delay, it means that your site is not in good condition.


Therefore, it is a better plan to spend the money on a premium web hosting plan now as opposed to dealing with these headaches later. It’s worth the investment.


  1. Eliminate steps in your checkout process


Once a website visitor plans to buy something, they should find it easy to finish the purchase. It’s your duty to make it simple.


Each additional step in the checkout process will lead them to abandon the transaction. In fact, 28% of consumers said they abandoned a shopping cart during checkout because of the long and complicated process.


The remedy here is to get only essential information from the buyer.


There’s no need to ask for their mother’s maiden name, the first concert they attended, or their favorite vacation spot.


Get their information, that’s all you need to process a transaction.


  1. Prioritize SEO


It is not possible to navigate everyone who wants what you’re selling will straight to your website.


In fact, research claims that 46% of consumers start the buying process through a search engine, such as Google.


If your eCommerce site isn’t one of the top results in search engines, they’ll buy from one of your competitors rather. That’s why it’s essential for you to focus your efforts on search engine optimization.


Do everything in your power to reach the top of Google rankings on the basis of searches related to whatever your brand is selling.


  1. Write blog posts on a regular basis


How often will the same user visit your eCommerce site?


Chances are, they’re not buying something every day. They probably won’t purchase something even once a week. Only your great customers might make shop once per month.


If people aren’t on your website, they clearly can’t spend any money.


Running a blog in addition to your eCommerce site is a unique way to build a strong following. Now people have a reason to visit your site on a daily or weekly basis.


Once they’re on the site, it also leads to buying something more likely.


  1. Build an email subscriber list


To have a successful eCommerce site, you definitely have lots of visitors ready to buy. Building an eCommerce email list is one of your best options for driving traffic to your site. Once you have a subscriber’s email address, you can get in touch with them for detailing special offers and promotions to attract sales.


  1. Accept as many payment options as possible


We can’t assume everyone has a Visa or MasterCard.


Even if they do, that doesn’t mean they are favorable to that payment option. One of those cards may be maxed out, or they could have the best membership benefits on another card.


Even if other credit card companies impose high merchant transaction fees, you still need to prefer other cards like Discover and American Express.


Your eCommerce site also needs to accept different payment options such as PayPal and Apple Pay.


  1. Display high-quality product images


Having an eCommerce shop means customers get to touch and feel the products as in a physical store by rely on pictures to give them a sense of what they’re buying.


Therefore it’s necessary to take multiple pictures from every angle of each product that you’re selling. Zoom in and highlight all the great features and benefits.


  1. Give video demonstrations


Sometimes, images aren’t enough. Therefore you need to demonstrate a video about what you’re selling.


In fact, 90% of consumers say that videos help them to make a decision about purchasing an item.


  1. Feature customer reviews and testimonials


Testimonials and reviews add credibility to your products and brand. It’s necessary to include these on your eCommerce site.


After a customer buys something, send them a follow-up email requesting them to review the item they purchase. Just give them enough time to use it before you ask for their review of your product.


Not everybody will be happy with your products, and the way of negative comments are publically displayed can be frightening to some brands.


This will create a view to shoppers that the reviews and testimonials on your site are legitimate and trustworthy. A bunch of negative remarks can make your positive reviews appear that much more powerful.




Making an eCommerce website successful is not an easy task. Fortunately, you can improve your chances of driving sales and keeping your customer’s return for more purchases by various methods with this list of best practices, you should start to determine changes that need to be made and highlight the ones you think are the most important.